Title | Cop 27 - Green Zone “Fashion and Textile Sustainable Hub” |
Event Date | 06-18 November, 2022 |
Description |
Apparel Export Council of Egypt participated in the Green Zone at Cop 27 in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, by a Trend area under the name “Fashion and Textile Sustainable Hub” which gathered all the fashion, apparel, textile, spinning, and design associations that implemented activities related to the principles of sustainability. AECE invited Egyptian fashion designers to display their sustainable designs in participation with the Egyptian Cotton Association, to present the Egyptian cotton, as well as the Egyptian Clothing Bank with its sustainable products. This initiative came within AECE role in developing and promoting the sector's exports and highlighting the efforts that made to keep pace with global trends and follow the principles of sustainability as well as recycling methods, beside working to achieve the renaissance of the green national industry. The council’s participation at Cop 27 aimed to present the latest findings of the apparel, fashion, and textile sectors in the field of recycling and transforming the textile and apparel industry waste into an opportunity that can contribute to sustainable, circular, and green economic growth, as well as delivering a message of “Egypt as the New Hub for Sustainable Fashion and Production. Joining traditional arts, fashion and circularity while maintaining our cultural heritage”. The Fashion and Textile Sustainable Hub presented outfits that are collected from the Egyptian and international designers who use sustainable and recycled raw materials as well as green technology which minimize waste and carbon foot print. (Reduce, Reuse, Rethink). This coincides with Fashion Charter participation at Cop 27 which was set up by UN Climate Change in order to provide a clear pathway for the fashion industry to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Beside that breakout sessions has organized during the period 14-16 Nov., 2022; by national and international fashion, apparel, and textile experts to tackle the importance of eco-friendly fashion industry, green fashion technology and the exciting solutions for reducing fashion’s environmental impact, the strongly need to use Organic Cotton, as well as other topics related to the recycling and sustainable development.