Title | "Egypt Textile and Clothing Sector Strategy and Prospects" - GTEXMENATEX 1st Phase Closing Ceremony |
Event Date | 12 June, 2024 |
Description |
Mrs. Marie Louis Bishara, Apparel Export Council of Egypt Chairwoman, participated in a panel discussion titled "Egypt Textile and Clothing Sector Strategy and Prospects" This discussion was organized on the sidelines of the closing ceremony for the first phase of GTEX MENATEX Egypt project, which implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC) with joint funding from the Swiss and Swedish governments. The program is part of an initiative for selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENATEX), including Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, and other countries in Asia. The project was launched in Egypt in 2019 in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Apparel Export Council is one of the main partners along with other Egyptian institutions supporting factories in the apparel and textiles sectors within the project. |